We've rebranded from Power Chiropractic Health to Power Total Health!

Affordable Chiropractic Care for the Fresno and Clovis Community

There are many chiropractors to choose from in the Fresno and Clovis area. So how would we convince you to choose Power Chiropractic Health as your chiropractic provider? Simple: We’d sell you on the specialized, scientific approach we take to spinal alignment and pain relief. 

What Sets Power Chiropractic Apart in Fresno and Clovis Chiropractic 

Power Chiropractic Health utilizes advanced technology and neurological expertise to evaluate your nervous system and provide pain and tension relief. Our imaging and other diagnostic tools provide us with the information we need to employ the latest chiropractic techniques – and ensure that our patients feel well in the shortest amount of time possible. 

But even more important than the technology we use, even more important than the techniques we utilize, is the culture of healing we create in Fresno and Clovis.

Why Chiropractic Is Important – and Why We Do What We Do 

Our goal is and has always been to help our friends and neighbors remain well, so they can enjoy the best things in life. We don’t want to see anyone in our community suffer needlessly from chronic back pain, headaches, neck pain, or any other nervous system or spinal-related conditions.

If you are in pain, or if you want to take a preventative first step toward avoiding pain, we would encourage you to schedule an initial consultation with Power Chiropractic Health today. Make an appointment, stop in, and learn how Power Chiropractic Health seeks to keep the Fresno and Clovis community well.